Parametric Field Identification Process
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1.Action Management
It is the module where the deadline date related to a work to be done, the person who will do the job, the task information is defined and the task assignment is performed and followed. The adaptation of the action management module to the company is carried out under the "System Infrastructure Definitions / Action Management" menus. Under the "Integrated Management System / Action Management" menus, action planning / task assignment / operation execution operations are performed by the users.
1.1. System Infrastructure Definitions/Action
It is the menu where the infrastructure of the action module is created and the definitions are made. According to these definitions made in the entries from the Integrated Management System menu, the data is confronted.
1.1.1.Action Parameters
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Descriptions/ Action/ Action Parameters
It is the menu for the Action Management module where various adjustments can be made according to the user's wishes and needs and parameters are determined accordingly. Changes to parameters apply to all QDMS users.
The Action Module parameters menu is accessed within the scope of the Action Module as well as the BSAT/SAT/Configuration Settings/Parameters menu. It is the section where the parametric adjustments of all Modules are made on the screen opened in the Bsat module menu. When the search is made by selecting the Action Module from the filter tab from the screen that opens, the parameters of the relevant module are displayed.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: Correction / change / update is made for the parameter selected in the list.
: Search by filtering records.
: The data is exported to Excel.
If a change is desired from a parameter, the parameter to be changed is selected. The number of the parameter is typed in the parameter ID field to select the parameter. Or, if the number of the parameter is unknown, the parameter is selected by writing a key word related to the parameter in the definition section. Action Module parameters 30 "Will the parametric field be used on the basis of the action source?" is displayed. In this help document, by activating the Action Module 30 parameter, the main action planning and Action Pen creation screens will be defined as Resource based fields.
With parameter 30 of the action module "Will parametric space be used based on action source?" selected
The contents are displayed by clicking the (Change) button. On the screen that opens, the parameter Value is defined and the ! Registration is performed by clicking the (save) button.
1.1.2.Create a New Field Creating a New Space for Sharing in Action
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Language Settings
In the Action Management module, extra fields that are not in the system requested by the company can be defined on the "Main Action Planning" and "Items" page. These defined fields apply to all action module resources. The System Infrastructure Definitions/BSAT/ Configuration Settings/Language Settings menu is displayed. Here, "Action Management" is selected in the Module field from the menu and the language definitions related to the Action module are displayed on the screen.
lblK—i.e. the ones with a K at the end—is used to define the field on the "Items" page and appears on this page.
Shortcodes used are as follows:
lblK_ALAN1 Text type: Adds a text box that allows manual typing.
lblK_DALAN1 Date type: Adds a calendar field.
lblK_LALAN1 List type: Makes a single selection among multiple elements.
lblK_NALAN1 Numerical-type: Performs numeric data entry.
lblK_PALAN1 Personnel type: QDMS allows people to be selected from the personnel database.
lblK_QPARAM1 Query type:** A field type that can be defined to select from master data within QDMS/Ensemble databases. (Must only be identified by the Bimser Support Team) Single and multiple selections are available.
The lblFIELD ones are used for the fields defined on the "Main Action Planning" page and appear on the "Main Action Planning" page.
Shortcodes used are as follows:
lblFIELD1 Text type: Adds a text box that allows manual typing.
lblDFIELD1 Date type: Adds a calendar field.
lblLALAN1 List type: Makes a single selection among multiple elements.
lblNALAN1 Numeral-type: Performs numerical data entry.
lblNAPARAM1 Unit of Measure type: Allows data entry as a measure.
lblNCPARAM1 Monetary type: Performs data entry in monetary terms.
lblPALAN1 Personnel type: Allows people to be selected from the QDMS personnel database.
lblQPARAM1 Query type: A field type that can be defined to select from master data within QDMS/Ensemble databases. (Must only be identified by the Bimser Support Team) Single and multiple selections are available.
For example; A new field can be defined on the action task screen created within the action plan. To do this, Action management is selected in the module field in the System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Language Settings menu. In the Language Settings menu, search for lbIK_ALAN1 by typing in the Name section,
By selecting the lbIK_ALAN1 data on the screen! The (Change) button is clicked. The data desired to be displayed on the screen is written in the "Value" section and saved.
The new field defined is displayed on the Action Pen Planning / New enrollment screen.
The new text type field defined in the Integrated Management System ```>Action Management\
>```Planning menuClicking the Pens button displays the Action Pen Planning-New Recording screen, which opens when clicking the New button.
In the Language settings menu in the Action Module, select Define a list-type field by items:
The grid is searched by typing lblK_LALAN2 in the Name field.
By selecting the lbIK_LALAN2 data on the screen! The (Change) button is clicked. In the "Value" section, the desired data to be displayed on the screen is written. List elements It is defined with the help of the New button.
By clicking the New button, the list elements are defined one by one.
By clicking the save button after the defined list elements, the field definition process is performed on the basis of list-type items in the Action Module.
The new list type field defined is in the Integrated Management System ```>Action Management\
>```Planning menuClicking the Pens button displays the Action Pen Planning-New Recording screen, which opens when clicking the New button. Parametric Area Creation by Action Source
Parameter 30 from the action parameters is checked (Will the parametric field be used on the basis of the action source) and the parameter is regulated. System Infrastructure definitions/Action/Action Parameters menu is clicked. The parameter is displayed by typing the number of the parameter in the ID field. On the screen that opens, the contents of the parameter are displayed by clicking the change button. If it is desired to use a parametric field on the basis of the action source, the parameter is activated by selecting the parameter value yes while the parameter value is selected No.
Allows the main Action Planning and Action Pen creation screens to define resource-based fields when the parameter value is "Yes".
Common parameter definitions made from language settings are disabled and are not displayed. If the parameter value is selected as "No", the common parameters defined in the language settings are used.
To define a parametric field on a resource basis, the System Infrastructure Definitions/ Action Management/ Action Resource Definition menu is displayed.
By activating the parameter, you can go to the upper right corner ! The (Defining Field) button is displayed.
By selecting the new field for whichever action source is desired! Click the (Defining Field) button. For Planning or Items operations, the registration process is completed by selecting the relevant tab and defining the desired field. In this help document, in order to define a parametric area on the basis of Action source, first of all, an Action Source definition should be done in the Action Source Identification menu or from the action sources defined in the system(Field identification) button is used to define the field.
1.1.2.Action Source Identification
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Descriptions/ Action/ Action Source Identification
The source of action is the main reason for the formation of the action plan. It is defined for the creation of action plans that may arise from a project, risk, audit, work accident, meetings, etc. needs.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new action source is defined.
: The action source information selected in the list is edited.
: The action resource selected in the list is deleted.
: A parametric field is added to the action source currently selected in the list.
: The action resource selected in the list is copied.
: The data is exported to Excel.
Click in the top right corner of the screen to identify the Action Source! Clicking the (New) button displays the Define Action Source/ New Record screen.
The corresponding fields are defined in the screen that opens;
Main Action Source: If a new action source is to be defined under an action source defined in the system, which is connected to that source, the "Main Action Source" is selected. For example; 01-OHS (main action), 01.01-Work Accidents (connected action), 01.02, OHS Risk Assessment (connected action), etc.
Action Source Code: An action source code is defined in the system for the new action source created. For example; Like 001, AKS.01.
Action Source Identification: This is the field on the Action Source Identification screen where the Name of the Action Source is entered. For example; OHS, Environment, Meeting, etc.
Status: Whether the action resource is displayed on the planning screen is determined by the "Active/Passive" status selected from the status information field.
Action Pen Type: The area where the action pen type that the Action Source is associated with, if any, can be selected in the system. It is used to assign the same type of task to a specific action resource. For example; If the "Risk Reduction" task, which is always the same task, is opened for the "Risk Assessment" action source, it can be selected and related in the system.
After the required fields are filled, click the ! Registration is performed by clicking the (Register) button. The action source is in the form of a tree and can be sub-broken as much as desired.
If the "List Only Active Contacts" box is selected, only the list of action sources with an active status of is displayed. If passively set action sources are also desired to be displayed on the screen, the box is unchecked.
For a defined action source, extra fields can be defined that will appear only on that source. For example; It may be desirable to define a field for the defined "Meeting" action resource. If it is desired that this selection field appears only in front of the user in the Meeting source and not in other action sources, it is necessary to define a parametric field connected to the action source. Therefore;! Clicking the (Field Identification) button opens the parametric field definition menu. In the Action Planning Module, a parametric area can be defined on the basis of Planning or Items.
Defined Action Resource Planning for the Meeting and Defining parametric field by items:
Action Source Meeting is selected! Clicking the (Field Identification) button opens the Field Definition menu.
On the planning screen, the name of the field is typed to define the field, the requirement status is determined and the sequence number is determined and saved. Field definitions can be made on the basis of text, list, number, date, personnel and query.
Defined Parametric fields in the Main Action Planning menu:
FIELD1 Text type: Adds a text box that allows manual typing.
DFIELD1 Date type: Adds a calendar field.
LALAN1 List type: Makes a single selection between multiple elements.
NALAN1 Numeral-type: Performs numerical data entry.
PALAN1 Personnel type: Allows people to be selected from the QDMS personnel database.
QPARAM1 Query type: A field type that can be defined to select from master data within QDMS/Ensemble databases. (Must only be identified by the Bimser Support Team) Single and multiple selections are available.
When defining a field on the basis of items, the name of the field, the status of being shown at opening, the status of being shown at realization/delay, the status of being changed in realization/delay, the status of being shown in viewing, the status of being changed in the confirmation, the status of being shown in the opening confirmation, the status of being shown in the closing confirmation, the status of being shown in the grid and the sequence number are determined and recorded. If the "Modify in confirmation" box is checked, the action item can be changed by approvers in the on/off confirmations. Field definitions can be made on the basis of text, list, number, date, personnel and query.
Parametric fields defined in the Action Pen menu:
FIELD1 Text type: Adds a text box that allows manual typing.
DFIELD1 Date type: Adds a calendar field.
LALAN1 List type: Makes a single selection between multiple elements.
NALAN1 Numeral-type: Performs numerical data entry.
PALAN1 Personnel type: Allows people to be selected from the QDMS personnel database.
QPARAM1 Query type: A field type that can be defined to select from master data within QDMS/Ensemble databases. (Must only be identified by the Bimser Support Team) Single and multiple selections are available. Defining Parametric Fields Based on Planning
In the Action Module, the Action Source menu is clicked.
With the meeting resource defined in the screen that opens ! Clicking the (Field Identification) button displays the Field Definition menu.
Field definitions can be made on the basis of text, list, number, date, personnel and queries respectively. Define a Text-Typed Parametric Field
To define a parametric Field with a text type in the Planning menu, whose Action Source is Meeting, type the name of the field for which the FIELD1 data will be defined on the Planning tab in the Area definition menu. If the Title Note information is desired to be a mandatory field, the mandatory check box is checked and the sequence number is entered. After the required fields are filled in the Planning tab in the Field Definition menu! By clicking (Save), the Text-type parametric field identification registration process is performed. List Type Parametric Field Identification
To define a list-type parametric Field in the Planning menu, whose Action Source is Meeting, type the name of the field for which LALAN1 data will be defined on the Planning tab in the Area definition menu. If the Title Note information is desired to be a mandatory field, the mandatory check box is checked and the sequence number is entered.
The list elements of a list-type parametric field are defined by clicking the New button.
On the list elements identification screen, the list elements identification process is performed by entering the ID and Value information of the list element.
After defining the list elements of the list-type field on the Planning tab in the Field Definition menu, ! By clicking the (save) button, the registration process of defining a list-type parametric field is performed. Numeric-type Parametric Field Identification
To define a numeric-type parametric Field in the Planning menu, whose Action Source is Meeting, type the name of the field for which the NALAN1 data will be defined on the Planning tab in the Area definition menu. If the Title Note information is desired to be a mandatory field, the mandatory check box is checked and the sequence number is entered. After the required fields are filled in the Planning tab in the Field Definition menu! By clicking (Save), the Numeric-type parametric field identification registration process is performed. Date-Type Parametric Field Identification
To define a Date-type parametric Field in the Planning menu, whose Action Source is Meeting, type the name of the field for which the DFIELD1 data will be defined on the Planning tab in the Field definition menu. If the Title Note information is desired to be a mandatory field, the mandatory check box is checked and the sequence number is entered. After the required fields are filled in the Planning tab in the Field Definition menu! By clicking (Save), the registration process of defining a date type parametric field is performed. Personnel Type Parametric Area Identification
To define a Parametric Area of the Personnel type in the Planning menu, which is the Action Source Meeting, the name of the field for which the PALAN1 data will be defined is typed on the Planning tab in the Area definition menu. If the Title Note information is desired to be a mandatory field, the mandatory check box is checked and the sequence number is entered. After the required fields are filled in the Planning tab in the Field Definition menu! By clicking (Save), the registration process of defining the Parametric field with Personnel type is performed. Query-Type Parametric Field Definition
In the Planning menu, where the Action Source is Meeting, it is necessary to get help from the Bimser Support team to define the Query type field.
1.2. Integrated Management System/ Action Management
It is the part where the Main Action Plan Creation, Action Execution, Action Approval processes are performed and the reports are displayed.
1.2.1.Creating a Master Action Plan
Menu name: Integrated Management System/ Action Management/ Planning
In the Action Planning menu, main action plans are prepared in accordance with the company's action resources such as OHS, environment, quality, production, planning, information security, meeting. In order to display the fields defined in the Planning menu, where the Action Source is the Meeting, it is necessary to create a Schedule Action Meeting that is the Meeting Resource. Integrated Management System/Action Management/Planning Menu is clicked.
By clicking the New button on the screen that opens, the Master Action Plan is created. This main action that is created is selected from the meeting that is defined in the parametric field that is the source of the plan.
In the Action Planning menu, an action Plan whose action source is a meeting is filled in the required fields and the Action Plan is recorded by clicking the save button.
Planning menu Parametric field with Text Type: The parametric field in which the text information is entered is displayed.
The Planning menu displays the Parametric field in which Date Type parametric field: Date Information can be selected.
The planning menu displays the Parametric Field with List Type: The parametric field from which the list elements can be selected.
In the planning menu, the numeric-type parametric field: The parametric field in which the numerically entered information is displayed.
Personnel type parametric field in the planning menu: The parametric area is displayed where it can be selected from the list of personnel defined in the system.
The Select button selects the desired personnel from the Select Personnel list defined in the system. Define Parametric Fields by Items
In the Action Module, the Action Source menu is clicked.
With the meeting resource defined in the screen that opens ! Clicking the (Field Identification) button displays the Field Definition menu.
Field definitions can be made on the basis of text, list, number, date, personnel and queries respectively. Define a Text-Typed Parametric Field
To define a parametric Field with a text type in the Items menu, whose Action Source is Meeting, type the name of the field for which the FIELD1 data will be defined on the Items tab in the Field definition menu. If the Title Note information is intended to be a mandatory field, the mandatory check box is checked. When defining text-typed fields on the basis of items, the status of being shown at opening, the status of being shown in realization/delay, the status of being changed in realization/delay, the status of being shown in viewing, the status of being changed in confirmation, the status of being shown in the opening confirmation, the status of being shown in the closing confirmation, the status of being shown in the grid and the sequence number are determined and recorded. If the "Modify in confirmation" box is checked, the action item can be changed by approvers in the on/off confirmations. After the required fields are filled in the Items tab in the Field Definition menu! By clicking (Save), the Text-type parametric field identification registration process is performed. List Type Parametric Field Identification
To define a list-type parametric Field in the Items menu, whose Action Source is Meeting, the name of the field for which LALAN1 data will be defined is typed on the Items tab in the Field Definition menu. If the Title Note information is intended to be a mandatory field, the mandatory check box is checked. When defining text-typed fields on the basis of items, the status of being shown at opening, the status of being shown in realization/delay, the status of being changed in realization/delay, the status of being shown in viewing, the status of being changed in confirmation, the status of being shown in the opening confirmation, the status of being shown in the closing confirmation, the status of being shown in the grid and the sequence number are determined and recorded. If the "Modify in confirmation" box is checked, the action item can be changed by approvers in the on/off confirmations.
The list elements of a list-type parametric field are defined by clicking the New button.
On the list elements identification screen, the list elements identification process is performed by entering the ID and Value information of the list element.
After the list elements of the list-type field are defined in the Items tab! By clicking (Save), the registration process of defining a list-type parametric field is performed. Numeric-type Parametric Field Identification
To define a numeric-type parametric Field in the Items menu, whose Action Source is Meeting, the name of the field for which the NALAN1 data will be defined is typed on the Items tab in the Field definition menu. If the Title Note information is intended to be a mandatory field, the mandatory check box is checked. When defining text-typed fields on the basis of items, the status of being shown at opening, the status of being shown in realization/delay, the status of being changed in realization/delay, the status of being shown in viewing, the status of being changed in confirmation, the status of being shown in the opening confirmation, the status of being shown in the closing confirmation, the status of being shown in the grid and the sequence number are determined and recorded. If the "Modify in confirmation" box is checked, the action item can be changed by approvers in the on/off confirmations. After the required fields are filled in the Items tab in the Field Definition menu! By clicking (Save), the Numeric-type parametric field identification registration process is performed. Date-Type Parametric Field Identification
To define a Date-type parametric Field in the Items menu with Meeting Action Source, type the name of the field for which the DFIELD1 data will be defined on the Items tab in the Field definition menu. If the Title Note information is intended to be a mandatory field, the mandatory check box is checked. When defining text-typed fields on the basis of items, the status of being shown at opening, the status of being shown in realization/delay, the status of being changed in realization/delay, the status of being shown in viewing, the status of being changed in confirmation, the status of being shown in the opening confirmation, the status of being shown in the closing confirmation, the status of being shown in the grid and the sequence number are determined and recorded. If the "Modify in confirmation" box is checked, the action item can be changed by approvers in the on/off confirmations. After the required fields are filled in the Items tab in the Field Definition menu! By clicking (Save), the registration process of defining a date type parametric field is performed. Personnel Type Parametric Area Identification
To define a Parametric Field of Personnel type in the Items menu, whose Action Source is Meeting, the name of the field for which the PALAN1 data will be defined is typed on the Items tab in the field definition menu. If the Title Note information is intended to be a mandatory field, the mandatory check box is checked. When defining text-typed fields on the basis of items, the status of being shown at opening, the status of being shown in realization/delay, the status of being changed in realization/delay, the status of being shown in viewing, the status of being changed in confirmation, the status of being shown in the opening confirmation, the status of being shown in the closing confirmation, the status of being shown in the grid and the sequence number are determined and recorded. If the "Modify in confirmation" box is checked, the action item can be changed by approvers in the on/off confirmations. After the required fields are filled in the Items tab in the Field Definition menu! By clicking (Save), the registration process of defining the Parametric field with Personnel type is performed. Query-Type Parametric Field Definition
It is necessary to get help from the Bimser Support team to define the Query type field in the Items menu, which is the Action Source Meeting. Create an Action Pen (Task Assignment)
Menu name: Integrated Management System/ Action Management/ Planning/ Items
After the Master Action Plan is created, action items linked to this plan are created and task assignments are performed. For the process of creating an Action Item, click on the Integrated Management System/Action Management/Planning menu.
In order to display the parametric fields on the basis of Items whose Action Source is Meeting, task assignments linked to the Qdms Meetings plan, which was previously created as the Main Action Plan, are performed with the Items button. By selecting the relevant main action plan on the Action Planning page, click "Pencils" in the upper right corner! Clicking the button displays the Action Pen Planning screen.
Clicking the Pencils button opens the Planning Action Pen screen.
To add a new Action Pen to the Main Action Plan, click (New) button to display the Schedule Action Pen/ New Recording screen. Action Item Planning - The new Registration screen displays the parametric fields defined on the basis of Items.
Action Pen planning-New The Record menu displays Parametric field with Text Type: The parametric field in which the text information is entered.
Action Pen planning-New The Record menu displays the parametric field where Date Type parametric field: Date Information can be selected.
Action Pen planning-New The Record menu displays the Parametric field with List Type: Parametric field from which list elements can be selected.
Action Pen planning-New In the Recording menu, numeric-type parametric field: The parametric field in which the information is entered numerically is displayed.
Action Pen planning-New In the Registration menu, the personnel type parametric field: The parametric area is displayed where it can be selected from the personnel list defined in the system.
With the Select button, the desired personnel are selected from the Select Personnel list defined in the system.
All defined parametric fields can also be displayed in reports. The relevant report format is selected from the System Infrastructure Definitions / BSAT / Configuration Settings / Report Formats menu and downloaded to the computer with the "View" button. A new field is added to the report format and the appropriate shortcode is placed as ```<FIELD\
>, \
>```. The report name downloaded to the computer is restored to the system with the "new" button from the report formats editing menu without changing it at all.